cristianofcintra's avatar


151 Watchers24 Deviations

My New Image

Dedicated to Me
  :thumb92199198: Meadows of Heaven by arianereis:thumb85133612: Rain of  Day by JaquelineMoreno Hope by Percy-Silva Cristiano F Cintra layout by pihfuentes:thumb58531974:
Thanks my friends :cuddle:

Featured Arts
Month: July - 40 images

Mature Content

Lara Pin up by originalkitten
:thumb90471147: Ted Music by pihfuentes
Ever Ever After by arianereis:thumb90645909: Azazel by KerriAnnCrau
:thumb90827107: For Better or For Worse by dianar87 Megan Fox by SaliroO Reborn by EmberRoseArt Arise and Shine by Aeirmid:thumb89732242:
:thumb89655587::thumb89548730::thumb89723278::thumb89111148: When we are dreaming... by MelGama
The reluctant Arthur by Hera-of-Stockholm:thumb89183305::thumb89083365: Northern Night by emilieleger Whine With Self Pity by ChrissieCool
Another study by Go-Dark What Must a Fairy's Dream Be? by MusaBianca Bring meTthe Music by Asgard-Raven Glyndwr planetary system by N7Dovahkiir Perfidus by coxao Mother day 2008 by Pantoja
Voltando em Vetor by MatrixNeo Zatanna by Adella12 BARBARA GORDON: BATGIRL by josephcaesarsd The Princess and the Knight by Druce-White-Owl Cola Lover by Queen-Uriel Fire power by EhsanA
dark knight colored by jessemunoz:thumb77899682: Daniela Jacome by AndersonMathias:thumb89492482: Meu fundo do poco tem molas by Percy-Silva

I won Contest!
Here are the links of some contest that I took part and I won, it was a honor take part :)
Please, visit the sites and see the images, you will meet beautiful jobs

5º Contest - 68º Updesafio de Photoshop do Upmasters

4º Contest - XVII Image battle of the Image Vision

3º Contest - XII Image battle of the Image Vision

2º Contest - Battle Shapes of the Infinity Arts

1º Contest - VII Image battle of the Image Vision

:iconinfinity-arts: :iconabstractsilence: :iconwallpaperinc: :iconavaloncommunity: :iconemotionalartists: :iconeliteartists: :iconmanipulators: :iconfeatureshare: :icondesigningdivas: :icontheoccultside: :iconfantasy-fellowship: :iconbrasil: :iconkeepers-of-dreams: :iconcolorfulartclub: :iconunseenartists: :iconmanipulatethis: :icontaintedart: :iconwinglovers-club: :iconloreenamckennittclub: :iconeyes-of-infinity: :iconpaleispretty: :iconcare-club: :icondeviant-arcade: :iconbringbackart:
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Infelizmente não tenho feito muitas imagens, depois um problema sério de saúde, agora só quero curtir, e o Photoshop está me aborrecendo muito... porque?! Estou querendo fazer artes como pinturas já tenho inúmeros tutoriais ensinando, recentemente consegui os CD's do Top Secret Photoshop, e lá tem uma vídeo aula sensacional, foi aí que percebi que me falta malícia, paciência e etc... daí resolvi deixar de lado essa imagem que já estava trabalhando nela a 2 meses. Vou voltar a fazer manipulações e no meio tempo treinar a pintura. Gostaria de agradecer porque apesar da minha galeria estar um pouco parada recentemente passei dos 7000 pageviews e isso devo a todos vocês, muito obrigado pelo carinho e pela presença, vocês moram no meu coração.

:hug: e fiquem com Deus

Do not unfortunately have been doing many images, after a serious problem of health, now only want to tan, and Photoshop is boring me too much... Because?! I want to do arts as paintings already have countless tutorials teaching, recently got the CD's of the Alto Secret Photoshop, and there it has a sensational video class, was there that I realized that me fault malice, patience and etc... I thence solved let aside this image that was already working on her to 2 months. I am going to come back to do manipulations and in the middle time to train the painting. It would like to thank because in spite of my gallery be a little stop recently passed of the 7000 pageviews and that owe to all of you, thank you very much by the fondness and by the presence, you live in my heart.

:hug: and stay with God

My New Image

Dedicated to Me
Hope by Percy-Silva Cristiano F Cintra layout by pihfuentes:thumb73543249::thumb58531974:
Thanks my friends :cuddle:

Featured Arts
Month: January - 29 images
Time Stands Still by Cinnamoncandy :thumb73853428: Undying Remorse by Neokiriya Cherry Blossoms by emilieleger Faith by RoxRio I am nothing by Asgard-Raven :thumb74894305: Queen of the Snakes by JaquelineMoreno :thumb74963144: ........ by anaRasha 'Wherefore art thou...' by cocacolagirlie :thumb75049083: :thumb74679446: :thumb74800522: :thumb74873155: Falcao Futsal by manohead :thumb75060944: Morgana le fay by arianereis :thumb23494952: The Angel by JaquelineMoreno

Mature Content

Have Fun by MelGama
:thumb76063779: :thumb75215181: :thumb62203911: :thumb62489891: :thumb76089339:

:iconinfinity-arts: :iconabstractsilence: :iconwallpaperinc: :iconavaloncommunity: :iconemotionalartists: :iconeliteartists: :iconmanipulators: :iconfeatureshare: :icondesigningdivas: :icontheoccultside: :iconfantasy-fellowship: :iconbrasil: :iconkeepers-of-dreams: :iconcolorfulartclub: :iconunseenartists: :iconmanipulatethis: :icontaintedart: :iconwinglovers-club: :iconloreenamckennittclub: :iconeyes-of-infinity: :iconpaleispretty: :iconcare-club: :icondeviant-arcade: :iconbringbackart:

Journal CSS Code Made By Lilyas
Journal Graphics Made By DigitalPhenom
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Feliz Natal (Merry Christmas)
Feliz Natal

Neste Natal... vamos...
Multiplicar amor
Que nossas mãos possam ser portadoras de paz...
De afagos... de carinhos...
Que escorra delas os mais límpidos sentimentos...
de bálsamos... de alívio... de força... de luz...
Que possam ser espraiados na terra árida
fazendo germinar o amor entre as pessoas...
Multiplicando cada melhor essência de nós...
Fazendo-nos fortes em meio à tempestade...
Deixando-nos ver o sol que nasce...
Que rompe a noite... Que se faz dia...
Que se faz belo... Que se faz vida!
Que se chama amor...

Feliz natal a todos :cuddle:

Merry Christmas

At this Christmas... Let's go...
Multiply love
That our hands can be peace carriers...
Of caress... Of expensive...
That drains of them the limpidest feeling...
Of balsams... Of relief... Of force... Of light...
That they can be extended in the arid land
Doing germinate love among people...
Multiplicant each better essence of us...
Doing us strong amid the tempest...
Letting us see the sun that is born...
That breaks night... That day is done...
How beautiful is done... That life is done!
That calls love...

Merry Christmas to everybody :cuddle:

My New Image

Dedicated to Me
Hope by Percy-Silva Cristiano F Cintra layout by pihfuentes:thumb58531974:
Thanks my friends :cuddle:

Featured Arts
:thumb62187607: La Contesse de Nuit - Detail by ImaginedMoments Blue Siren by Queen-Uriel .:Two Worlds:. by Paigesmum lady White by Mgpsp:thumb62405986::thumb62708850: ::Angel Eyes:: by JunkbyJen Don't cry.... by Cirasella Flowers for you by nianiniel:thumb61542452:

Mature Content

Immaculate by StaceyAnnBorg
OPTIMUS PRIME FANWORK by TOKITOS The soul of a creator by mjdaluz Dangerous waters by EhsanA Alien Encounter by AnnaKirsten Turn Back Time by RoxRio Burn by elestrial

:iconinfinity-arts: :iconabstractsilence: :iconwallpaperinc: :iconavaloncommunity: :iconemotionalartists: :iconeliteartists: :iconmanipulators: :iconfeatureshare: :icondesigningdivas: :icontheoccultside: :iconfantasy-fellowship: :iconbrasil: :iconkeepers-of-dreams: :iconcolorfulartclub: :iconunseenartists: :iconmanipulatethis: :icontaintedart: :iconwinglovers-club: :iconloreenamckennittclub: :iconeyes-of-infinity: :iconpaleispretty: :iconcare-club: :icondeviant-arcade: :iconbringbackart:

Journal CSS Code Made By Lilyas
Journal Graphics Made By DigitalPhenom
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ball1.gifball1.gif Almost I died (Quase morri) ball1.gif ball1.gif
Quase morri...

Estava internado desde o dia 05 de novembro, motivo: enfarto. É isso mesmo com 30 anos, praticando esportes como futebol, algumas vezes malhação, não fumo, não bebo... e aconteceu.
No hospital já lúcido conversando com o médico ele me disse que tive sorte, que o primeiro enfarte é o mais perigoso, e quanto mais novo o paciente pior. Meu caso foi sério, tive que fazer um cateterismo (desentupimento das artérias).  Nunca senti nada, pressão alta, dor no peito, dormência em alguma parte do corpo... o médico disse que os principais motivos para essa minha situação foi a minha alimentação (como muita carne vermelha, frituras e massas) e principalmente o stress.
Hoje tenho 2 lojas de informática no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, estava para inaugurar mais uma próximo a minha casa. Mas agora não sei o que fazer ordem do médico: DESCANÇO ABSOLUTO, ACERTE A ALIMENTAÇÃO E PRINCIPALMENTE NADA DE STRESS. Isso quer dizer que vou ficar longe das lojas, e este é o melhor período do ano.
Sempre me dediquei 100% no que estou fazendo, se estou trabalhando só penso no trabalho, quando estou com a minha família sou 100% deles.
Tive alta dia 12 de novembro e nesse período em que estava internado achei que fosse morrer, minha esposa e minha filha foram a minha luz (estou em lágrimas). Estou escrevendo isso porque por mais que você saiba a importância da família, é no momento mais difícil em que se percebe o grau dessa importância.
Gosto muito de todos vocês, curto muito esse site, pensei nele e em alguns outros nesse momento difícil, por isso estou aqui.
Abraços a todos e fiquem com Deus.

Almost I died...

Almost I died...
It was put into hospital since November the 05th, reason: Enfarto. It is that's it 30 years old, practicing sports as soccer, sometimes malhação,  do not smoke,  do not drink... And happened.
In hospital already lucid talking to the doctor he said me that I had luck, that the first infarct is the most dangerous, and the more new the patient worse. My case was serious, I had to do a cateterismo (desentupimento of the arteries).  I Never felt anything, high pressure, pain in the breast, numbness somewhere of the body... The doctor said that the main reasons for this my situation was my alimentation (as much red meat, fritters and masses) and mostly stress.
Today I have 2 computer science stores at the centre of Rio de Janeiro, it was about to inaugurate more one next my house. But now do not know what to do doctor's order: DESCANÇO ABSOLUTE, HIT The ALIMENTATION And MOSTLY ANYTHING OF STRESS. That means that I am going to stay far from the stores, and in this year's time is the best period.
Always dedicated 100% in the that I am doing, I am working I only think at work, when I am with my family am 100% of them.
I had high day 12 of November and in this period in which it was put into hospital I thought it was to die, my wife and my daughter went my light (I am in tears). Am writing that because no matter how much you know family's importance, is at the more difficult moment in which it realizes the degree of this importance.
Taste a lot of all of you, short very that site, thought in him and in some other at this difficult moment, because of this I am here.
Hugs to all and stay with God.


ball1.gifball1.gif  My new image ball1.gif ball1.gif


ball1.gif ball1.gif  Favorite Pieces ball1.gif ball1.gif
:thumb62187607: La Contesse de Nuit - Detail by ImaginedMoments Blue Siren by Queen-Uriel .:Two Worlds:. by Paigesmum lady White by Mgpsp :thumb62405986: :thumb62708850: ::Angel Eyes:: by JunkbyJen Don't cry.... by Cirasella Flowers for you by nianiniel :thumb61542452:

Mature Content

Immaculate by StaceyAnnBorg
OPTIMUS PRIME FANWORK by TOKITOS The soul of a creator by mjdaluz Dangerous waters by EhsanA Alien Encounter by AnnaKirsten Turn Back Time by RoxRio Burn by elestrial


ball1.gif ball1.gif  DeviantART Clubs ball1.gif ball1.gif
:iconinfinity-arts: :iconabstractsilence: :iconwallpaperinc: :iconavaloncommunity:
:iconemotionalartists: :iconeliteartists: :iconmanipulators: :iconfeatureshare:
:icondesigningdivas: :icontheoccultside: :iconfantasy-fellowship: :iconbrasil:
:iconkeepers-of-dreams: :iconcolorfulartclub: :iconunseenartists: :iconmanipulatethis:
:icontaintedart: :iconwinglovers-club: :iconloreenamckennittclub: :iconeyes-of-infinity:
:iconpaleispretty: :iconmusical-manipulators: :iconcare-club: :icondeviant-arcade:

Journal Layout by lockjavv CSS
Made by Lily A. Seidel Lilyas

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ball1.gifball1.gif 18 of October, my birthday ball1.gif ball1.gif
18 of October, my birthday

It is galley, I am getting old, as all mine libriano life is an eternal balance, when it starts to sorrow for a side, try immediately to do so that she comes back to the normal, thus conquered everything he wanted it in my life with the help from 2 wonderful women, my wife Carla and my daughter Ingridy, but life is made of new goals, new challenges and thus go living, with health, with my family, with much happiness and love in the heart. I am very happy not only to for being my birthday, but by the wonderful moment that I am living. Taste a lot of all and find you important in a way or of another, because of this I consider more than just share this my happiness with you.

Happinesses, hugs to all and stay with God

18 de outubro, meu aniversário

É galera, estou ficando velho, como todo libriano minha vida é uma eterna balança, quando começa a pesar para um lado, imediatamente procuro fazer para que ela volte ao normal, assim conquistei tudo o quis na minha vida com a ajuda de 2 mulheres maravilhosas, minha esposa Carla e a minha filha Ingridy, mas a vida é feita de novos objetivos, novos desafios e assim vou vivendo, com saúde, com a minha família, com muita felicidade e amor no coração. Estou muito feliz não só por ser meu aniversário, mas pelo momento maravilhoso que estou vivendo. Gosto muito de todos e acho vocês importante de uma forma ou de outra, por isso considero mais do que justo compartilhar essa minha felicidade com vocês.

Felicidades, abraços a todos e fiquem com Deus


ball1.gifball1.gif  My new image ball1.gif ball1.gif


ball1.gif ball1.gif  Favorite Pieces ball1.gif ball1.gif
:thumb62187607: La Contesse de Nuit - Detail by ImaginedMoments Blue Siren by Queen-Uriel .:Two Worlds:. by Paigesmum lady White by Mgpsp :thumb62405986: :thumb62708850: ::Angel Eyes:: by JunkbyJen Don't cry.... by Cirasella Flowers for you by nianiniel :thumb61542452:

Mature Content

Immaculate by StaceyAnnBorg
OPTIMUS PRIME FANWORK by TOKITOS The soul of a creator by mjdaluz Dangerous waters by EhsanA Alien Encounter by AnnaKirsten Turn Back Time by RoxRio Burn by elestrial


ball1.gif ball1.gif  DeviantART Clubs ball1.gif ball1.gif
:iconinfinity-arts: :iconabstractsilence: :iconwallpaperinc: :iconavaloncommunity:
:iconemotionalartists: :iconeliteartists: :iconmanipulators: :iconfeatureshare:
:icondesigningdivas: :icontheoccultside: :iconfantasy-fellowship: :iconbrasil:
:iconkeepers-of-dreams: :iconcolorfulartclub: :iconunseenartists: :iconmanipulatethis:
:icontaintedart: :iconwinglovers-club: :iconloreenamckennittclub: :iconeyes-of-infinity:
:iconpaleispretty: :iconmusical-manipulators: :iconcare-club: :icondeviant-arcade:

Journal Layout by lockjavv CSS
Made by Lily A. Seidel Lilyas

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News, Dedicated to Me and I won Contest by cristianofcintra, journal

Thanks and Featured Arts by cristianofcintra, journal

Feliz Natal (Merry Christmas) by cristianofcintra, journal

Almost I died (Quase morri) by cristianofcintra, journal

18 of October, my birthday by cristianofcintra, journal